While perusing Facebook today, I found out that a childhood friend had died suddenly. The cause of his death is still unknown, but foul play is not suspected. A medical examiners investigation will take a couple of weeks, but nonetheless, there is a 29 year old man who is no longer with us.
He was only 29. We had known one another since we were infants. Our mom's went to the same church until we were two years old and we didn't see each other again (I don't think) until we were in Kindergarten. I can see it as if it were yesterday though. We saw each other on one of the first days of school - we had different teachers - and RAN to one another and embraced in a hug like only children can. You know....full of unabashed restraint, joy and emotion. We said, "I missed you SO much!" Then we proceeded to tell everyone we were cousins. Yup, we lied, but we were kids and we loved each other as family. Now....how we recognized each other is beyond me. I have NO idea. I mean, I really don't think we saw each other from the time my mom found a new church until Kindergarten, but we did.
We were close throughout elementary school, then as often happens, our interests went different ways. We still had some common classes and activities and were still friends, just not close. We chose different extra-curricular activities and therefore different circles of friends. He was still a friend though and SO full of life.
Micah had an infectious laugh and a smile that could brighten your darkest moments. He was such a fun, sweet spirit. An amazingly talented writer. Silly, goofy and caring.
I just wish I had taken the time to email him like I had been intending on. I knew he was on FB, but didn't want to add him without actually talking to him. I've been meaning to for a while, even thought about it last week, but didn't take the time.
So, today....realize that life is short. Sometimes a lot shorter than we expect. Hug your children and your spouse. Call your parents and siblings. Tell them you love them. Don't let out of sight be out of mind. (This is a really hard one for me and allows me to survive being a military family most days.) And if there is someone you have wanted to get back in touch with, by ALL means, do it. Don't wait. You never know when it will be too late.
May Micah rest in peace.
God, be with Micah's family and friends, Father. Give them comfort and peace. Lord, I pray that his life was right with You and that he is celebrating right now. Amen.
SUPER FUDGE! Quadruple Chocolate Brownies
1 week ago
Do you guys know yet where you will be stationed?