Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life is Too Short

While perusing Facebook today, I found out that a childhood friend had died suddenly. The cause of his death is still unknown, but foul play is not suspected. A medical examiners investigation will take a couple of weeks, but nonetheless, there is a 29 year old man who is no longer with us.

He was only 29. We had known one another since we were infants. Our mom's went to the same church until we were two years old and we didn't see each other again (I don't think) until we were in Kindergarten. I can see it as if it were yesterday though. We saw each other on one of the first days of school - we had different teachers - and RAN to one another and embraced in a hug like only children can. You know....full of unabashed restraint, joy and emotion. We said, "I missed you SO much!" Then we proceeded to tell everyone we were cousins. Yup, we lied, but we were kids and we loved each other as family. we recognized each other is beyond me. I have NO idea. I mean, I really don't think we saw each other from the time my mom found a new church until Kindergarten, but we did.

We were close throughout elementary school, then as often happens, our interests went different ways. We still had some common classes and activities and were still friends, just not close. We chose different extra-curricular activities and therefore different circles of friends. He was still a friend though and SO full of life.

Micah had an infectious laugh and a smile that could brighten your darkest moments. He was such a fun, sweet spirit. An amazingly talented writer. Silly, goofy and caring.

I just wish I had taken the time to email him like I had been intending on. I knew he was on FB, but didn't want to add him without actually talking to him. I've been meaning to for a while, even thought about it last week, but didn't take the time.

So, today....realize that life is short. Sometimes a lot shorter than we expect. Hug your children and your spouse. Call your parents and siblings. Tell them you love them. Don't let out of sight be out of mind. (This is a really hard one for me and allows me to survive being a military family most days.) And if there is someone you have wanted to get back in touch with, by ALL means, do it. Don't wait. You never know when it will be too late.

May Micah rest in peace.

God, be with Micah's family and friends, Father. Give them comfort and peace. Lord, I pray that his life was right with You and that he is celebrating right now. Amen.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Win a FREE Photo Session Kodiak!

So, a bloggy friend - who also happens to live on the same small island and our husbands work together - is an up and coming photographer. Oh, who am I kidding...she already is an amazing photographer. She gets better with every session she puts up on her blog. We've had a session "planned" with her for a while, however the snow has decided not to make an appearance - we want some outdoor winter in Alaska pics. Crazy, right ? Here in ALASKA for cryin' out loud! Don't even get me started how it's colder in TN and FL than it is here.

Anyway....I would love, LOVE, LOVE to win a free session! You could win one too! Visit her blog [Simply b Photos] and enter for YOUR chance to win! Tell her I sent you too. Not that it will help me, but still.

Hopefully the snow will come soon and we can get some great outdoor family shots. We actually want two sessions: one for the four of us and one for us with the Griffin's - of course, they want their own as well, so Melissa, make sure you enter since you are the lucky one.

Oh, and remember to become her fan on Facebook as well for another chance to win!

Hurry! Run, don't walk over to Simply b Photos to enter. The contest ends Jan 15! Go! What are you still here for?

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Just made it with 24 minutes to spare! I have been wanting to post all day, but just haven't gotten around to it. I am going to do my best to be a better blogger this year.

I don't know what God has in store for this blog, or me, or our family for this upcoming year. I DO know that there are going to be a LOT of changes. We will be moving this summer. Where? We haven't been told yet. We are waiting for the ptb to let us know - should be in the Feb/Mar time frame.

The locations on our dream sheet include only those in the lower 48, which will bring us closer to family no matter WHERE we go. This will be nice.

So, do any of you have resolutions for the new year?

I have a few, but these are mostly superficial things: becoming more organized (using the planner from to help with this), blogging at least once a week (not while traveling this summer - I'll do my best then, but can't make promises), getting out of debt (may not be able to pay off my student loans, but we should be close), being a better momma to my precious kiddos by not yelling and spending more quality time with them, and finally, making my marriage bed (sorry if this is TMI for my family, but I really need work in this arena).

I found this website [The Marriage Bed] through a friends blog a few years ago and said to myself, "I really need to do this", but never did. This is the year I DO. Our marriage is beginning to suffer b/c of some issues I have in this area. Not suffer, as in we're rocky or anything, just that I feel that I don't show my kisa love in the way he needs and deserves, which makes me feel incredibly guilty and guilt has no place in a marriage or any other relationship.

Wow...this is really hard to put out there for everyone to read, but I know that I can't be alone in this area, right? Others are going through or have gone through this before? If you are out there, please give me some support and let me know how you got out of the funk.

There are some reasons/excuses for my issues, but I'm going to work through them. My husband knows and understands my issues - which I will likely share at a later time so that I can possibly help others going through the same thing - and doesn't complain or blame me for anything, but I owe this to both of us.

My prayer is that our marriage bond will be strengthened and that we will grow closer to God through this as well.

My spiritual resolutions are made on my birthday (ok, daily - but I make big ones on my birthday) and I'm formulating those now and waiting on God's direction in this area.

What are your resolutions for the upcoming year?